Podcasting Project

One of the last topics we are covering in our social media course is podcasts. Podcasts are a great way for viewers to feel connected to the creators. They offer personal interactions about a variety of topics. Podcasts can be formatted into episodes and are usually led by at least one person. Since the pandemic, podcasts have grown immensely. People turned to podcasts for a sense of reassurance and authenticity in their struggles. They were the voices that the people needed to hear.

Ammryn and I chose to work on our podcast together, which I do not think was a surprise to anyone. What could go wrong with Ammryn and I partnering on an assignment where talking is the first criterion? We chose to focus on the issue of authenticity on social media for the assignment. It is hard to figure out when a social media page is showing its true colors. Nothing aggravates me more than when a social media page is a highlight reel. It creates an unrealistic image for followers to have in their heads. If an employer would prefer me to show my authentic self in an interview, I would rather the pages be genuine to the company.

We chose to interview Alyson Hoffman for our podcast, and she was fantastic. Alyson, who is a junior, has a minor in Social Media. Her experiences with social media personally and professionally made her a perfect candidate for the podcast. To our surprise, Alyson did not use any social media accounts until her senior year. She emphasized the importance of setting boundaries with who follows her accounts. A LinkedIn profile would have a more professional following compared to a Snapchat account where the followers are close friends. It is important to know the purpose each platform has in your success. A big note to take from the interview was the appreciation for authentic posts from companies. She preached the importance of seeing a company's values and appreciation for its employees when looking for a job.

Overall, I loved working on the podcast project. It was so fun to create questions and have a sit down with Alyson Hoffman. In addition, Ammryn and I were great cohosts. I left the podcast thinking maybe we could do this weekly. When we came together to edit the podcast, we told each other how much we would like to make these episodes regular. Great minds think alike!

Link: https://soundcloud.com/ammrynandbrooke/podcast-with-alyson-hoffman?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

Questions: Authenticity on Social Media

Hey guys! This is Ammryn and Brooke. Today, we are interviewing Alyson Hoffman. She is a Junior majoring in Public Relations, Communication, Marketing and minoring in Social Media. The topic we are discussing today is authenticity on Social Media.

  1. When social media is mentioned in the PR world what is the first thing that comes to mind?

  2. What do you think influences “power or dominance” on social media?

  3. How have you seen different types of authenticities from different companies and or people? (putting on a show vs core values)

  4. What are the key elements of an authentic social media page?

  5. Should social media be a highlight reel or is it okay to show vulnerability?

  6. Have you geared your social media in a specific way for professionals (in the workplace) to see?

  7. With the evolution of social media, how do you see it impacting your career?  (professionally and personally)


  1. What’s the impact that you have seen of ONU's social media accounts and what aspects of the accounts do you view as authentic?

  2. What is the most important thing to remember when staying authentic on social media?


  1. I think it's great that you interviewed Alyson! I've talked to her a handful of times, she's the true definition of a professional. While I haven't done my podcast assignment, hearing others say that they enjoyed it gives me some hope for it. I've always wanted to start one too but never had a reason to. I however did not know Alyson was only a junior? I for some reason thought she was a senior this year. How she talks about setting boundaries for social media is so true! I can't remember where else I have heard that though. You don't want your boss seeing what you do on a 4th of July weekend, you know?

  2. I don't know who Alyson is but she seems very smart and based on the other comments a really good person. Some stuff I enjoyed about your podcast was it sounded legit like a little to good which made me jealous because I thought mine was good. Another thing I liked was how well the music faded in and out of the podcast.

  3. I have never talked to Alyson, but she does seem to be a very professional and great person overall. She is a perfect person to interview for your podcast. It was great! You guys did great with the music and questions. Your voices sounded so professional and made for a great podcast. Good job Brooke and Ammryn!

  4. I will have to say that doing this podcast with you was a BLAST!! I had so much fun doing it and enjoyed having Alyson on it! I really would want to make this a regular thing to do and have different people come on to talk about certain topics. But I think Alyson did an amazing job with answering our questions that we gave her and telling us the truth about it. Overall, I think we make a great team when we work together and who knows maybe we can have our own podcast one day! ;)


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