Meticulously Choosing my Majors

I am shocked as ever that this is technically our last week of classes. It's hard to comprehend how fast my freshman year of college has gone. Thankfully, I am blessed to say I plan on returning to Ohio Northern University in the fall. This place has made an incredible impact on my life, and I want to continue a path toward success here.

When I committed to Ohio Northern University, I decided not to declare an official major. Quite frankly, I had zero clue what I wanted to do for a living. I knew I had a passion for writing and appreciated networking with peers. High school also taught me a love for math. The number one subject I wanted to avoid was science. I hate science. By not deciding on my major, I was given Dr. Aggie as my advisor who of course, put me into a public relations course in the fall. I must say when I saw public relations on my schedule, I thought it was a blowoff class. I remember telling my parents how public relations was going to be "light work." Looking back now, I can see how incredibly wrong I was in my original thoughts. I can think of countless times that Ammryn and I stayed up working on our projects. To add, I was horrible at news quizzes. Each day, I would run through my phone searching for the top news stories, but I still failed almost all those quizzes. After barely earning an A, I decided the best choice for me was to major in Public Relations.

Over the summer, I worked as a floating teller for Genoa Bank. I loved the bank so I will be returning as a floating teller this summer as well. As stated earlier, I found a passion for math while I was in high school. The satisfaction of seeing a problem work itself out is a strange yet great feeling. I can accredit my love of math to my high school teacher as well. He worked diligently to ensure that his students understood the content, and he never failed to answer my questions. I have zero desire to be an accountant, but finance intrigues me. On my trip to Pittsburgh, the speakers I networked with told me how unique it is to be a double major in Public Relations and Finance. They told me I will stand out from the crowd since I will have a better understanding of the numbers side of businesses.

I am proud of myself for staying undecided the majority of my freshman year. As guilty as I felt not knowing what to do, I was able to weigh different options. I didn't feel stuck in a major either. After everything this year entailed, I am beyond thrilled to be coming back to campus in the fall. 


  1. I came into college too being undecided but I'm happy that you have found the perfect major fit for you! I'm majoring in Public Relations and Marketing so we share something in common haha :) I am so thrilled to come back to campus in the fall too, it feels like this year went by so quick! I hope you have a good summer being a floating teller again!

  2. I'm also surprised that this is our last week of school; it seems like only yesterday that we were at orientation, having to draw a picture expressing our feelings and deciding what color we were, but I'm pleased I met you because who else would help me with my homework at 1:00 a.m.? Apart from the jokes, I think it's fantastic that you get to work as a floating teller for the summer. I'm sure it's a lot more fun than it sounds.

  3. I cannot believe how fast the first year of college went for me. It seems like it was yesterday that I moved in. I came in knowing my major, but congrats on choosing PR! That is great. I hope you enjoy your major and have a great next three years. I am so ready for finals to be over but am also going to miss my friends on campus over the summer. I too will be returning in the fall for my sophomore year.


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