OACs at Otterbein

Happy OAC conference tournament week! I am so excited for my team to be in the position we are in going into the conference tournament. This season has been nothing short of easy. We have battled every obstacle thrown at us this season such as Covid-19, injuries and of course, exhaustion. Our team wants to win this tournament so bad. A championship is right in front of our hands, but it is going to be a fight each night.

Last night, we traveled to Otterbein to take on the cardinals in a quarter-final matchup. We knew this was going to be a total battle. Otterbein had a pretty successful season. They upset John Carroll at the end of the year and stole a win from us. This was only the second time we were playing Otterbein. The first game was canceled due to us having 13 girls sick with Covid-19. From the start, our team was ready to play. We were extremely disappointed in our efforts in the first game, which made us fight even harder. The referees didn't call too many fouls, but I didn't mind. I would rather them let us play hard than call little fouls every second.

We left Otterbein with a huge win and smiles on our faces. We are not done yet. This team has so much potential and big aspirations. Tomorrow night, we face John Carroll. This game means so much to the seniors especially. To add, there is a slight rivalry between John Carroll and us. I foresee a physical, tough game tomorrow night. I cannot wait until tipoff.


  1. Congrats that must have felt amazing to get the win. I will be rooting for you guys against John Carroll.


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