Trying to Make Personal Branding Personal

Chapter two focuses immensely on creating a personal brand for yourself. What do you value? Who do you want to be? What do you represent? I am in college, and I can not give you a decisive answer to any of these questions. Social media pressures everyone, especially people my age, to fit into a mold. We are expected to follow certain rules, dress a certain way and post certain things all to fit a status quote that means nothing.

Even though I am very confused about creating a personal brand for myself, I do know certain aspects of myself that I want to promote. I want to show the world that I am a strong, motivated woman. Life has thrown countless battles at me, but I am still standing. Resiliency is a characteristic of myself that I greatly appreciate. I am not a person who likes to back down from a challenge. This has made me appreciate the process of the grind more than the achievement. 

My personal brand should reflect how well-rounded of a person I am as well. I enjoy athletic competition while maintaining academic excellence and spending time in multiple clubs. There were so many people in my life who told me that I was trying to do too much. I did not believe a single one of them, and I want other people to know that the best voice to listen to is themselves. You only are the only one who knows what you are capable of achieving.

Personal branding changes as the world goes around. The content that I find important today may not be relevant to the content I want to post five years from now. It is imperative that I recognize when I change my beliefs and values so I can make the proper changes to my personal brand. A minor in Social Media demands that I understand personal branding. I hope this blog is the start of me finding my way to creating a personal brand for myself. Is personal branding making you question who you are and what you value?


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